Thursday, June 28, 2007

Data set guru

Data guru di Indonesia berjumlah total 2, 783,321

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In-passing guru non PNS

Konsekuensi dari UUG dan Dosen, guru yang lulus uji sertifikasi akan diberikan sertifikat profesi pendidik yang berimplikasi dengan diberikannya tunjangan profesi. Maka dari itu, strategy pemberian tunjangan profesi bagi guru non PNS harus dikonversi atau di matrikulasikan seperti guru PNS yang sederajat baik dari segi kualifikasi dan pengalaman mengajar serta kredit profesi. Ada 4 kriteria yagn sedang dipertimbangkan untuk menjadi pertimbangan perhitungan in-passing kredit guru non PNS yaitu; Tingkat pendidikan dan diklat, beban pembelajaran dan bimbingan, pengembangan profesi, dan penunjang profesi. Memang tidak mudah membuat suatu sistem yang bisa menampung semua pihak dengan lapang dada.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bimbingan Karya Tulis Ilmiah Online (KTI)

Direktorat Profesi, Ditjen PMPTK, Depdiknas bekerja sama dengan P4TK TK dan SLB menyelenggarakan bimbingan karya tulis ilmiah online kepada 5000 guru untuk tahun 2007 dan akan dilanjutkan dengan group berikutnya.
Tujuan pemberian block grant bimbingan penulisan karya ilmiah adalah:
1. memberikan dukungan dana bagi para guru untuk melakukan penelitian di kelasnya;
2. meningkatkan jumlah Karya Tulis Ilmiah berupa laporan penelitian yang bermanfaat dan yang memenuhi syarat untuk kenaikan jabatan/pangkat.
Mau lanjut baca klik disini ya:

selamat membaca

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Video study dengan bank dunia

Hari ini hari keempat tim video study yang didampingi dan dipandu oleh Prof Fred dan Florenda sedang melakukan paltihan coding hasil rekaman.

Design study seperti berikut:

Design of the Video Study

Frederick Leung, The University of Hong Kong
Consultant to the World Bank
2 October 2006


In December 2005, the Indonesian Government passed a law (hereafter referred to as the Teacher Law) that sets minimum academic and professional requirements for teachers. As a consequence of the Teacher Law, there is a pressing need to upgrade the about 80% of the 2.7 million Indonesian teachers who currently do not satisfy the minimum requirements. In this connection, World Bank proposes a project, known as BERMUTU[1], to support the Indonesian Government in fulfilling its mission. The scale of investment by both the Indonesian Government and the World Bank in this endeavour is huge, and so it is of paramount importance that the effect of the project be closely monitored.

The central aim of the Teacher Law is to upgrade the quality of teachers and their teaching. The ultimate yardstick of success for this initiative is of course improved academic performance of students. Since Indonesia is participating in important international studies such as the IEA TIMSS and PIRLS and the OECD PISA studies, Indonesian students’ performance in these studies over the years provides a relatively objective measure of the change in outputs of the system. However, the more direct outcomes of this teaching upgrading initiative are improved teacher competence in the classroom, and the video study[2] proposed here is a means to monitor the classroom competence of teachers over a number of years. Linking this video study to Indonesia’s participation in TIMSS 2007 and its intended participation in TIMSS 2011 has the added advantage of providing a golden opportunity for exploring the relationship between teachers’ classroom performance and their students’ TIMSS achievement.

In this video study, the subject of mathematics at grade 8 is chosen as an example for studying the effectiveness of the initiatives under the Teacher Law and the BERMUTU project. Mathematics teaching in a sub-sample of the 2007 TIMSS classroom sample will be studied using videos, and the results are linked to students’ achievement in TIMSS 2007. The same study will then be repeated in 2011. Since replication in four year’s time is an essential feature of the study, it is important that clear documentation of both the results and the procedures of the 2007 study be kept so that the study in 2011 can be carried out in as closely a manner to the 2007 study as possible. In the rest of this paper, the research design for the video study will be delineated.

Purpose of the study and research questions

The purpose of the study is to monitor the success or otherwise of the initiatives under the Teacher Law and the BERMUTU project. The latter is a project in support of the Indonesian Government’s initiatives, and as such, the expectation is that the proposed video study should be done mainly by personnel in the Indonesian Government. The World Bank is merely playing an advisory and supportive role. This will not only enhance ownership of the project by Indonesian officials and educators, it will hopefully also help them acquire the competence in the use of videos as a research tool. So a secondary purpose of the project is capacity building for relevant personnel in the country. Thirdly, as a by-product of the video study, the video data collected may be used for studying aspects of the Indonesian classrooms other than those focused on in this video study. So a third purpose of the study is to produce an archive of classroom videos for use in the future.

Research questions

To monitor classroom competence of teachers as stated above, there is a need to formulate clearly measurable research questions that can be answered from the video data. It is however inappropriate for these research questions to be set by the World Bank or its consultants. After all, the Bank is merely assisting and supporting the Indonesian Government to realize the goals that it has set for the teachers in the country. It is important for the relevant stake holders in the country to define their own research questions.

Sources of research questions

The research questions for the video study should come from three sources:
1. The local mathematics curriculum

The curriculum document sets out what students are expected to learn in the discipline of mathematics. These should be translated into expected teacher behviour through asking the question: “what teacher behaviour is needed for students to be able to learn this particular area of mathematics?” The teacher behaviour should then be operationalized (through asking the question: “what features should be observed in the video before we can say that such behaviour is present”) and form part of the research questions in the video study.

2. Documents related to the Teachers’ Law

The teacher competencies and the certification instrument to be published by the two Commissions set up after the passing of the Teacher Law should help define what teacher behaviour and competencies are expected and so should be an important basis for determining the research questions. At the time of writing this study deign paper, these documents are not yet available, and so they are not able to provide input in the writing of the research questions.

3. Literature on mathematics education and video studies

These include literature on teaching and learning of mathematics, curriculum documents from other parts of the world, and past video studies. To a large extent, the Indonesian curriculum documents have already reflected elements from the first two kinds of literature (e.g., the NCTM Standards in the US). The research questions of other video studies in the past provide good references for the present study. In particular, reference will be made to the TIMSS 1999 Video Study and the Learners’ Perspective Study (LPS).

With input from the international consultant, the research questions listed below were drafted by staff from the Educational Assessment Centre and tutors from the Centre for Development and Training of Teachers, based on the mathematics curriculum document in Indonesia. It should be noted that a similar exercise needs to be conducted after the two documents mentioned in 2 above are available. The new research questions derived from analysis of the two documents should then be incorporated into the list of research questions below, and the combined set of research questions should be restructured and rewritten.
Research questions based on the mathematics curriculum document[3]:
Research questions
Indicators: teacher behaviour or teacher actions to bring about the following student behaviour
A. Does the teaching help students understanding mathematics concepts?
1. Giving alternative representations of a concept
2. Classifying objects based on specific characteristics
3. Giving example and non-example of a concept
B. Does the teaching enhance students’ communication in mathematics?
1. Presenting mathematics statements in written form
2. Presenting mathematics statements verbally
3. Presenting mathematics statements using tables/pictures/diagrams etc.
C. Does the teaching enhance students’ ability in reasoning?
1. Making a reasonable hypothesis
2. Testing a hypothesis
3. Drawing correct conclusions
4. Showing a proof or giving reasons for a mathematics argument
5. Checking the validity of an argument
6. Finding patterns or making generalizations in mathematics
D. Does the teaching help develop students’ ability in problem solving?
1. Organizing or reorganizing data
2. Discussing the choice of relevant information in solving a problem
3. Applying alternative methods in solving the same problem
4. Discussing the choice of approaches or methods in solving a problem
5. Discussing general problem solving strategies
6. Developing and/or interpreting a mathematics model of the problem
7. Solving non-routine problems
8. Checking the procedure and/or solution of a problem
9. Looking back and/or drawing lessons after solving a problem
E. Does the teaching enhance students’ competence in applying mathematics procedures?
1. Doing mathematical manipulations
2. Applying suitable algorithms to solve a given problem
3. Practising mathematics skills

[1] BERMUTU stands for Better Employment and Redeployment Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading. The word “bermutu” in Bahasa Indonesian means “of good quality”.
[2] Arguments for the use of videos in studying classroom teaching over the use of other means such as questionnaires and live observation were presented in the report of the Pilot of this Video Study by Asrijanty et al (August 2006) and are not repeated here.
[3] Under the Teacher Law, teachers are required to be proficient in four competency domains: pedagogical, professional, personal and social. The research questions here mainly address the pedagogical domain, with perhaps some coverage of the professional domain. However, the video data collected can be used to answer research questions in the social and personal domains as well, but these are not part of what this present video study intends to do.

Pendidikan yang di idamkan

Tuntutan untuk mencetak anak didik di sekolah Indonesia agar menjadi insan yang cerdas dan kompetitif semakin kuat baik oleh undang-undang, masyarakat, agama, dan negara, sehingga upaya nyata yang mengarah pada tercapainya tuntutan itu sangat diperlukan suatu sistem pendidikan nasional yang lengkap, terpadu dan utuh. Terlahirnya UU No 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sisdiknas sebagai panduan bagi negara dalam menentukan dan menyelengarakan arah pendidikan nasional masih memerlukan berbagai perangkat kebijakan dan rencana-rencana strategis yang melibatkan semua unsur penyelenggara pendidikan baik dari pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, masyarakat dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat serta kelompok-kelompok swasta yang peduli terhadap pendidikan. Salah satu perangkat kebijakan yang sudah lahir adalah UU Guru dan Dosen pada tahun 2005. Perangkat lain yang sudah dan sedang dirumuskan adalah beberapa standar nasional pendidikan yang meliputi; standar isi, proses, kompetensi lulusan, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, sarana dan prasarana, pengelolaan, pembiayaan, dan penilaian pendidikan